At Christ the King Catholic Voluntary Academy, it is our policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours.
School Uniform Policy
Attached below is a copy of our current School Uniform Policy. Please read it for full details, but a brief overview of uniform requirement is shown below.
School bags
School bags can be any appropriate bag, however we do recommend our school branded book bags as they are cost effective and are the correct size for our reading folders and homework books. School book bags are available to purchase from the school office. We would kindly ask that children do not bring big bags into school, due to limited storage and most equipment is provided by school, reducing the need for children to bring big bags full of resources.
- A yellow button down, collared shirt
- A navy blue and gold striped tie (elasticated or non-elasticated)
- A navy-blue jumper (V-neck or round neck) or navy-blue cardigan
- A navy-blue skirt / pinafore or grey trousers
- Grey or black socks, or navy tights.
- Hair bobbles and bands should remain within these colours of yellow or navy blue
- Yellow and white checked summer dress with a navy blue cardigan and white socks
OR - Yellow polo shirt
- Navy blue jumper or cardigan
- Grey school shorts and black or grey socks
- Footwear and accessories as detailed above
- Black flat closed toe shoes (not boots)
- Coats can be any colour or style, although preferably navy blue or black, and they must provide
adequate protection from the elements, even during summer.
Indoor PE Kit
• Yellow polo shirt
• Navy blue or black PE Shorts
• Pumps
Outdoor PE Kit
• Yellow polo shirt
• Navy blue or black jogging bottoms
• Trainers
• A navy blue jumper or cardigan
Swimming kit is a one-piece swimming costume, trunks or swim shorts (not below the knee), preferably a dark colour. Goggles and a swimming hat are recommended, but not required. Long hair will need to be tied up and earrings removed.
Children will be required to attend school in their PE kit on their allocated PE day.
Jewellery should be kept to a minimum.
What is allowed
- a watch (not a ‘Smart’ watch)
- a single pair of small stud earrings are allowed. However, these should be removed for PE/swimming – or we would recommend they are not worn on PE days. We would expect children to be able to remove their own earrings, or alternatively for them not to be worn at all on PE days. In the cases where earrings cannot be removed i.e. newly pierced ears, pupils must be able to tape up their earrings using their own medical tape. If pupils would struggle to do this, they should have their ears pierced at the start of the summer holidays so that they are fully healed for the new academic year.
Uniform Suppliers
Our uniform can be purchased from high street stores/supermarkets with the exception of the yellow winter shirts, bookbag and any items with the school logo.
These can be purchased from the school office or from the suppliers listed below: