Our class email address is: red@cka.srscmat.co.uk
Parents are welcome to use this email address to contact class teachers with any questions regarding their child’s learning, homework, personal updates or details of class specific events. Please ensure class teachers have your up to date email address and that you have been added to the class mailing list. Please use the main school email address enquiries@cka.srscmat.co.uk for absence notifications or general questions relating to trips, contact information updates, school dinners or any other enquiries.
Our class Gospel value is Love. We believe Love is important because it helps us to care for one another and to care for our world. We try to show Love by helping one another, being kind and being respectful to other people, nature and belongings.
We nurture the children’s development of hope by encouraging…
- Imagination
- Resilience
- Goal setting
- Curiosity
- Autonomy
Our curriculum has been carefully designed to achieve this, based on research about how children learn best. Your learning will be broken down into small steps that should enable you to build your knowledge piece by piece and to help you to have that knowledge at your fingertips whenever you need it. We give you lots of opportunities to revisit and retrieve this knowledge throughout the year and we encourage you to think about what you have learnt before and how this knowledge helps you as a starting point for building new knowledge. Our curriculum has golden threads woven throughout it, these drive our curriculum, helping you to make links and to build knowledge. These golden threads are Communication, Sustainability and Stewardship and Freedom. It is also important that your learning is relevant to your life and can help you to make better choices as you grow and develop. Our mission statement sets out the virtues we try to display at all times in school and together, through our curriculum, we learn about a diverse range of people who give us good examples of these virtues in their lives.
We look forward to seeing you thrive this year and into the future, walking together in Christ to try and become the best that we can be – We Can and We Will follow in Jesus’ footsteps!
Below, you will find some useful information about life in Foundation Stage 1.
Children will need a warm, waterproof coat and sensible shoes for playing outside in – we go outside in all weathers, so the children need to be dressed appropriately for the weather. They will also need a bottle filled with water and a packed lunch, if required. Please let the Nursery staff know if your child needs a school dinner. Your child will also need a spare change of clothes, as accidents do happen, or the children may get wet/muddy from playing outside (these can be kept in a bag on their peg). Children wearing nappies will need spare nappies, wipes and spare changes of clothes. Our morning session runs from 8.45am to 11.45am, and our afternoon session runs from 12.15pm to 3.15pm. Children who attend all day will enjoy their lunch at school.
Our door is open to our outside playground for most of the day, and the children decide themselves whether they want to be inside or outside. We have morning and afternoon snack time, where we provide a carton of milk and a choice of fruit/vegetables. Our lunch time is 12pm-1pm.
Information Coming Soon
Our PE will be on a Wednesday morning. The children will need to wear sensible footwear and clothes that they can move around easily in.