At Christ the King Catholic Voluntary Academy we aim to provide an environment in which children can grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith and develop their own relationship with Jesus. We seek to live out the values of Jesus Christ and to promote these by our words and actions.

We provide a Catholic curriculum which is broad and balanced; one which recognises that every one of us is unique and is created in the image of God. We recognise our place in the wider community and strive to engage with it in a spirit of equality and freedom. At our school we follow the ‘COME AND SEE’ Programme of Study.

This programme is made up of a unit on a specific theme for each half term for all the different year groups from Nursery to Year 6. Children learn and reflect by reading stories from the Bible and other Christian books such as lives of saints and prayers written by other people. We also study other world faiths in order to develop our knowledge and to help promote tolerance and understanding of other people’s beliefs and practices. All year groups study Judaism and one other of the other major world faiths Sikhism (Y3 and 4), Islam (Y5 and 6) or Hinduism (EYFS and KS1).

RE Come and See Overview 2023-2024

Click here for our Advent RE Knowledge Organisers

Diocese of Nottingham